How to identify your life purpose

Everyone has life purpose – some are living it, but most are not. If your self-esteem is low, you are not living yours fully.

Your life purpose involves finding your niche in the worlds overall scheme. You are living it when your key values are honoured and you spend your days alive with the vitality that results from doing what you love while sharing your gifts with the world.

Your life purpose will always involve others. It will never be only self-serving or about you alone. It involves partnership and will serve your natural self-expression. Living it will feel like you are being what you were meant to be.

Your life purpose needs not to be complicated or lengthy to explain. In fact, it will be most powerful when spotters with a few well chosen words.

It represents the essence of who you are. Your life purpose is likely what you have been known for as far back as you can remember, especially before your self-esteem began to suffer.

For many, it is what they always wanted to be or do when they were younger. Perhaps it is related to a special passion or revolves around a favourite cause or charity. It is who you authentically are at your core, when you live your life purpose you are most alive and contributing your special gifts.

For clarity in identifying your life purpose, consider some people you most respect in the world, what specifically is it about each person that you regard highly?

If you were granted one wish for the world, what would it be? If you were independently, wealthy and hand no restrictions placed upon you, how would you spend the rest of your life? If you could leave a legacy for the world, what would it be?

All these questions should point you in the direction of identifying those qualities or activities that would cause your life to have great meaning and your self-esteem to sour.

Here are some examples of life purposes:

  1. I am love
  2. I show people how to laugh and have fun
  3. I inspire everyone to be his or her best
  4. I bring peace to the world
  5. I champion woman
  6. I share love through pets
  7. I champion equal right
  8. I inspire people to live with passion
  9. I build relationships and help people belong
  10. I inspire adventure

MA. Rismiya Banu

Teacher (English)